Amplifying collodion negatives.
It allows you to create negatives from ambrotypes (collodion image on glass)
A - pyrogallol, citric acid, water ... 500 ml;
B - Silver nitrate, water ... 100 ml;
Before use mix 5 parts of solution A and 1 part of solution B.
Use BEFORE fixing... (to pour to the plate like developer)
1. Pour premixed collodion to plate
2. Put plate to silver bath
3. Put plate to holder
4. Make exposure
5. Take plate from holder
6. Pour developer to plate
7. Stop developing by water
8. Mix together Intensifier MIP (A:B=5:1)
9. Pour Intensifier MIP and let blacken the image to the desired density
10. Rinse with water
11. Fixed
Note for image:
LEFT: Standard ambrotype / RIGHT: after intensifying (already as negative)